사진 출처: https://tongsangnews.kr/webzine/2203/list.html

An article from Prof. Moonsung Kang, the dean of KU CIS and GSIS, was featured as a main cover story on 「통상」, the monthly magazine of the MOTIE. In the article, Prof. Kang indicates that the trade ecosystem in the Asia-Pacific region is undergoing rapid changes as both China and Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) applied to join the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) in September 2021.

Prof. Kang emphasizes that Korea must endeavor to join the CPTPP to reap the potential benefits from more trade liberalization, expanded global market, and instituting upgraded rules and regulations – all of which could further expand and strengthen Korea’s global production networks. While there are some expected losses from joining the CPTPP, Prof. Kang suggests that the Korean government must join the mega trade pact first and then focus on minimizing the potential losses with a coordinated, effective negotiation strategy.

Prof. Kang paid a special attention to the scenario in which Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) succeeds in joining the CPTPP while Korea fails. In this worst-case scenario, the future of Korea’s tech industry could suffer as Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) reinforces its economic cooperation with the CPTPP members, especially Japan. To avert this outcome and further strengthen its global competitiveness in the Asia-Pacific region, Prof. Kang advised, Korea must focus on successfully joining the CPTPP as well as the IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) through close cooperation with the US, while adopting a flexible and effective negotiation strategy to minimize potential losses.  

Full-text available from: http://tongsangnews.kr/ebook/2202/ (p.8-13)