Korea university Division of International Studies, Graduate School of International Studies

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Korea University


GSIS Notice

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2024학년도 후기 대학원 신입생 등록 안내 GSIS Office 654 2024.06.28
24-2 Leave of/Return From Absence (Int'l Students Only) GSIS Office 770 2024.06.26
[MA/PhD] 24-1 Thesis KU Library Online Upload & Document Submission GSIS Office 1415 2024.05.31
2024 Human Rights and Gender Equality Legal · Compulsory Education GSIS Office 3587 2024.04.02
24-1 Orientation Materials GSIS Office 5566 2024.02.15
The Human Rights and Gender Equality Center CIS&GSIS Office 7365 2023.12.26
Crime Prevention Guide for Foreigners GSIS Office 10827 2023.08.09
국제관 대관 안내 Notice on KUCIS Facility Reservation Application GSIS Office 14349 2023.03.20
(UPDATED) Notice on COA Issuance for D-2 Visa Application / D-2 Visa Extension GSIS Office 23811 2022.07.01
Information on Facility Access Registration GSIS Office 24649 2021.09.01
GSIS Office Appointment GSIS Office 34677 2022.03.01
Revision of the Bylaw Associated Scholarship for International Students(as of April 1st, 2020) GSIS Office 25815 2020.04.24
918 [Extended] 2023학년도 2학기 국제대학·국제대학원 홍보영상 공모전 (CIS·GSIS VIDEO CONTEST) (~12/04) CIS&GSIS Office 817 2023.11.07
917 [Venue change] Special Lecture: “What Skills Are Needed to Work in International Organizations? (3) Sharing tips for CV, Cover Letter and Interview GSIS Office 1223 2023.11.03
916 2023 대학원생 대학생활 만족도 조사 Korea University Campus Satisfaction Survey (~11/30) GSIS Office 309 2023.11.01
915 23-2 [PhD] (~11/03) Research Proposal Application GSIS Office 503 2023.10.30
914 [BK21 Special Lecture Series: Glocal Conflict Now (31)] 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁의 전망과 함의 GSIS Office 436 2023.10.27
913 [BK21][국제개발협력학회] 2023 동계학술대회 대학원생 포스터 세션 참가신청 안내 GSIS Office 758 2023.10.27
912 교무팀 대학원 근로장학생 모집 공고 GSIS Office 453 2023.10.23
911 [Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence-BK21] Distinguished Lecture Series: EU-Korea Economic and Trade Relations GSIS Office 375 2023.10.20
910 [BK21] Glocal Career Pathfinder (8)- International Students Career Session: How to Navigate a Career in Korea GSIS Office 1158 2023.10.20
909 [Extended][Waseda] 24-1 Selection for Exchange Program_Waseda University GSIS Office 576 2023.10.20