1. 대상·외국인 대학원생

2. 신청방법

  KUPID (http://portal.korea.ac.kr) → 학적/졸업 → 학적사항 →·복학 신청(대학원)

3. 신청기간

  1) 외국인 신청: 2023 7 3() 10:00 ~ 2023 7 31() 17:00

      원활한 비자 발급을 위해  1) 기간에는 외국인 대학원생만 /복학 신청 가능

  2) ·외국인 신청 : 2023 8 1() 10:00 ~ 8 25() 17:00


4. 외국인 대학원생은 KUPID에서 복학 신청 시에 '여권' '외국인 등록증사본을    반드시 업로드해야  업로드하지 않을 복학 신청이 불가.

5. 수강 신청 기간: 8/16(Wed)~18 (Fri) 재 휴학생, 8/17(Thu)~18(Fri) 신입생

1. How to apply: 

   KUPID (http://portal.korea.ac.kr) → Registration/Graduation →

   University Registration → Application for Leave of Absence/Return

2. Application Period

  1) July 3, 2023 (Mon) 10:00 ~ July 31, 2023 (Mon) 17:00

      Only International Students available to apply 

        during the period above 1)due to the visa issuance.

  2) August 1, 2023 (Tue) 10:00 ~ August 25, 2023 (Fri) 17:00 

      Both Korean and International Students are available to apply 

       during the period above 2).

3. Please upload a copy of your passport and ARC 

   when you apply for the return from absence.

      It will not be processed without a copy of your passport and ARC.

4. Course Registration: 

   8/16(Wed)~18(Fri) Current Students, 8/17(Thu)~18(Fri) New Students