4단계 BK21 국제학 교육연구단은 포용사회를 위한 로컬(Glocal) 갈등관리 전문가 양성을 위한 다양한 국내· 학술활동의 일환으로 아래와 같이 특강을 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참석부탁드립니다.

    일시 : 2021년 6월 1(), 오후 5 ~ 오후 6 30
  ㅇ  강연자 정철 박사 (대외경제정책연구원(KIEP))

  주제 미중 무역전쟁의 끝판디커플링?

(The end game of the US-China trade war, Decoupling?) 
  언어 한국어
  온라인 참석(Zoom) :  https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83414550437?pwd=MExoU2pTMjVJNEVzZ2ZkclBBZlhXZz09


* 강의는 온라인 입니다.





KU GSIS BK 21 Program of Glocal Studies invites you to KU GSIS BK21 online Special Lecture which is provided by Dr Chul Chung, Senior Research Fellow of Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP).


  Date and Time : June 1, 2021 / 17:00-18:30

  Speaker : Dr Chul Chung 

(Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP))        

  Title : The end game of the US-China trade war, Decoupling?

  Language : Korean

  Online participation via zoom : https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83414550437?pwd=MExoU2pTMjVJNEVzZ2ZkclBBZlhXZz09


* This lecture is online only.


Thank you.