저작권법 관련 유의사항 안내(학습자용)

교수자가 출석 수업 및 이러닝(e-Learning) 수업에서 사용하는 PT강의자료, 동영상 등 각종 수업자료는 교수자의 저작물 또는 타인의 저작물로써 저작권법으로 보호됩니다. 따라서, 교수자의 사전 개별 이용허락 없이 수업자료를 복제·배포·전송·공유·판매하는 경우, 저작권법 위반에 따른 민·형사법상 책임(법적 처벌)및 「학생 징계에 관한 규정」상 징계 처분받을 수 있으므로 다음의 사항을 유의하시기 바랍니다.

※ 금지되는 행위

제136조(벌칙) ① 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 자는 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만원 이하의 벌금에 처하거나 이를 병과할 수 있다.
1. 저작재산권, 그 밖에 이 법에 따라 보호되는 재산적 권리(제93조에 따른 권리는 제외한다)를 복제, 공연, 공중송신, 전시, 배포, 대여, 2차적저작물 작성의 방법으로 침해한 자


(가) 무단으로 복제(수업자료 내려받기 및 녹화) 또는 내려받은 수업자료를 수강생 본인 외 제3자에게 배포(출력물의 경우), 전송(파일 업로드), 공유 또는 판매하는 행위                                                               ※ 수강생 본인은 수업을 받는 재학생으로 한정

(나) 수업자료를 수강생 외에는 ”① 이용할 수 없도록 하는 접근제한조치 ② 복제할 수 없도록 하는 복제방지조치”를 무력화하는 행위(예를 들어, 수강생 본인의 계정(아이디와 비밀번호)을 제3자에게 공유하거나 알려주는 행위, 수업자료의 복제방지조치를 무력화하는 해킹 행위, 임의로 강의를 촬영하여 유포 또는 공유하는 행위 등)

(다) PT강의자료, 동영상 등 각종 수업자료를 인터넷 사이트에 게시 또는 타인에게 전송하는 행위. 특히, 해외 저작물이 포함한 수업자료의 경우, 관계법령 위반 및 저작권 침해를 사유로 소송 분쟁의 대상이 될 수 있음


Notice regarding Copyright Law (For Learners)

Various teaching materials, such as power point files, videos, etc. used by instructors in offline and e-learning classes are the work of instructors or others and are protected by copyright law.

Therefore, in the case of copying, distributing, transmitting, sharing or selling class materials without the prior individual permission of the instructor, students may be subject to disciplinary action under the Civil / Criminal Act of Korea (legal liability) and the Student Disciplinary Rules of KU in violation of copyright law.
Please note the following:

※ Prohibited Behavior

「Copyright Law」
Article 136 (Penalty) ① Anyone who falls under any of the following subparagraphs is subject to imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of 50 million won or less, or both.
1. A person who infringes on copyright and other property rights protected under this Act (excluding the rights stipulated in Art. 93) by means of reproduction, performance, public transmission, exhibition, distribution, rental, and creation of secondary works


(A) Unauthorized reproduction (downloading and recording of course materials) or distribution (for printouts), transfer (file upload), sharing or selling of downloaded course materials to a third party.
※ Attendee of a course is limited to enrolled students who have registered for the course

(B) The act of disabling ”① access restriction measures to prevent the use of class materials; and ② copy prevention measures to prevent reproduction” (For example, sharing or informing the attendee’s account information (ID/PW) to a third party, hacking that neutralizes the prevention of copying of class materials,
distributing or sharing lecture videos recorded discretionally, etc.).

(C) Posting various class materials such as power point files, videos, etc. on an internet site or sending them to others. Particularly when class materials include overseas copyrighted work, posting and sharing such materials may be subject to litigation for violation of relevant laws and infringement of copyright.