We'd like to draw your attention to the course IPS 214: Mass Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. The course is open to all majors. It is the only cross-major course among all - which means the Major Electives of not only International Peace and Security, but also International Commerce, International Development and Cooperation, Area Studies and Korean Studies.

The course is supported by the KF Public Diplomacy Enhancement Pilot Project and it will cover the theories and practices of public diplomacy.

It consists of three parts:

Part I includes a series of seminars where students read and discuss scholarly literature on public diplomacy.
In Part II, which is the core of the course, specialists in public diplomacy are invited to share their insights. The confirmed guest speakers this year include South Korea's Public Diplomacy Ambassador Mr. Jae-bok Chang, the EU's Ambassador to Korea Dr. Michael Reiterer, and Croatia's Ambassador to Korea Dr. Damir Kusen.
In Part III, students share their own perspectives on public diplomacy by presenting their original research on the topic.

Please check its syllabus on KUPID:
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