1. Duration : 6 months  (starting from 2020.03 ) 

2. Available Sections:  

 1) Trade Section 

 2) Political, Press and Information Section – Social Media 

 3) Political, Press and Information Section- Political 


  •  Diploma

For funded traineeships, applicants must have graduated from a university or equivalent higher-    education establishment with at least a Bachelor's level

  •  Languages

For the trainee to fully benefit from the traineeship and to be able to follow meetings and perform adequately, candidates must have the capacity to speak in the working language of the EU Delegation. Knowledge of the official language of the host country would be an asset.

  •  Previous experience in the EU Institutions

Please note that applications will not be accepted from candidates who have already benefited from any kind of training (paid or unpaid) or employment for more than 6 weeks within an EU institution, body, agency or office.

4. How to Apply


    Please send the following documents to the e-mail address:


  • A detailed Europass curriculum vitae (CV) 

(please find the format in the link for “General Rules” in the attached file: 첨부파일_모집공고 ) 

  • a cover letter describing why you want to participate in an EU traineeship and an application form 

    Please mention in the subject of your e-mail: Funded Traineeship – TRADE/PPI Section-SOCIAL MEDIA/PPI Section-POLITICAL

 The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, 10 January 2020 at 17:00 local time.

5. Inquiry 

       Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea


      Email: Delegation-rep-of-Korea@eeas.europa.eu

❊Please find more details in the following attached files: