2019학년도 2학기 국제대학원 종합시험 시행 공고


2019학년도 2학기 국제대학원 종합시험을 대학원학칙 국제대학원 시행세칙 제21조에 따라 아래와 같이 시행하고자 합니다.


1. 응시대상

1) 석사과정: 응시횟수 제한없음

  • 2016학년도 이전 입학자

① Core(공통) 과목을 모두 취득한 3학기 이상 이수자

② 3학기까지 최소 40학점 이상 이수자

③ 평균평점이 3.75 미만

※ ①,②을 모두 충족한 상태에서 평균평점 3.75 이상은 종합시험 면제

  • 2016학년도 1학기 신입생~2018학년도 1학기 신입생 해당

① Core(공통) 과목을 모두 취득한 3학기 이상 이수자

② 3학기까지 최소 33학점 이상 이수자

③ 평균평점이 3.75 미만

※ ①,②을 모두 충족한 상태에서 평균평점 3.75 이상은 종합시험 면제

  • 2018학년도 2학기 신입생(논문트랙)부터 해당

① Core(공통) 과목을 모두 취득한 3학기 이상 이수자

② 3학기까지 최소 33학점 이상 이수자

③ 평균평점이 3.3 미만

※ ①,②을 모두 충족한 상태에서 평균평점 3.3 이상은 종합시험 면제

2) 박사과정: 응시횟수 최대 3회

① 3학기까지 최소 27학점 이상 이수자 및 평균평점 3.0 이상

② 면제 요건 없음


2. 응시과목

1) 석사과정: 총 2과목

○ 국제학과

① 공통선택(IE, IB, WP, Intro to IDC) 중 1과목

: 총 100점(50분), 4문제 중 2문제 선택

② 전공선택(IC, IDC, IPS, IAS (East Asia/Europe)) 1과목

: 총 100점(50분), 6문제 중 2문제 선택

○ 한국학과

① 한국법과정치, 한국경제경영, 한국사회문화 중 2과목

: 총 100점(50분), 4문제 중 2문제 선택

2) 박사과정: 총 2-3과목

  • 2013학년도 이전 입학자: 전공 2과목
  • 2013학년도 1학기 신입생부터 해당: 공통 1과목 + 전공 2과목

① 공통(International Commerce, International Cooperation) 중 1과목

: 총 100점(120분), 4문제 중 2문제 선택

② 전공(Advanced Seminars) 중 2과목

: 총 100점(120분), 4문제 중 2문제 선택


3. 응시신청 및 전형료 납부기간

1) 기간: 2019년 9월 16일(월)-20일(금)

2) 신청방법: 서류를 구비하여 행정실(국제관 223호)에 제출

① 지원서:  

Application-for-General-Exam_Ph.D_revised[Attachment 1]

Application-for-General-Exam_Ph.D_revised[Attachment 2]

② 성적증명서

③ 전형료(과목당 2만원): 국제대학원 전형료 전용계좌로 납부

       KEB하나은행 391-910005-58304, 입금 시 본인 성명 학번 뒤 세자리 입력


4. 응시일 및 응시장소: 2019년 10월 11일(금) 국제관 115호

1) 석사과정

10:00-10:50응시과목 1
11:00-11:50응시과목 2

2) 박사과정

10:00-12:00응시과목 1 – 공통
13:00-15:00응시과목 2 – 전공 1
15:15-17:15응시과목 3 – 전공 2


5. 합격자발표: 2019년 10월 23일(수), 국제대학원 홈페이지 공지


6. 참고자료

1) References for all[Attachment 3] 

2) Reading list for International Cooperation (PhD_IDC)[Attachment 4]

3) Reading list for International Cooperation (PhD_IPS)[Attachment 5]



Fall 2019 General Examination


1. Eligibilities

1) Master’s Candidates: No limits on retakes.

  • A student who was admitted before Spring 2016: Must have

① Completed at least 3 semesters, earned at least 40 credits, had overall GPA 3.0 or higher

② Completed all core courses

③ Overall GPA under 3.75

※ Exemption Policy: Must comply with the criteria ①, ② and have overall GPA 3.75

or higher.

  • A student who was admitted from Spring 2016 to Spring 2018: Must have

① Completed at least 3 semesters, earned at least 33 credits, had overall GPA 3.0 or higher

② Completed all core courses

③ Overall GPA under 3.75

※ Exemption Policy: Must comply with the both criteria ①, ② and have overall GPA 3.75

or higher.

  • A student who was admitted from Fall 2018 (Thesis Track): Must have

① Completed at least 3 semesters, earned at least 33 credits, had overall GPA 3.0 or higher

② Completed all core courses

③ Overall GPA under 3.3

※ Exemption Policy: Must comply with the criteria ①, ② and have overall GPA 3.3

or higher.

2) PhD Candidates: Total 3 chances

① Completed at least 3 semesters, earned at least 27 credits, had overall GPA 3.0 or higher ※ No exemptions


2. Subjects

1) Master’s Candidates: Total 2 subjects

○ International Studies

① Select 1 from Core Electives (IE, IB, WP, Intro to IDC)

: Total score 100 (50 min), Select 2 out of 4 questions

② Select 1 from Major Electives (IC, IDC, IPS, IAS (East Asia/Europe))

: Total score 100 (50 min), Select 2 out of 6 questions

○ Korean Studies

① Select 2 fields from Korean Law & Politics, Korean Economy & Business, Korean Society

& Culture

: Total score 100 (50 min), Select 2 out of 4 questions

2) PhD Candidates: Total 2-3 subjects

  • A student who was admitted before Spring 2013: 2 Majors
  • A student who was admitted from Spring 2013: 1 Core + 2 Majors

① Select 1 from Core (International Commerce, International Cooperation)

: Total score 100 (120 min), Select 2 out of 4 questions

② Select 2 from Majors (Advanced Seminars)

: Total score 100 (120 min), Select 2 out of 4 questions


3. How to Apply

1) Period: Monday, September 16, 2019 – Friday, September 20, 2019

2) Please submit the following documents to the GSIS Administration Office (Room #223,

International Studies Hall) and send the application fee via wire transfer under the name of

student and last three numbers of the student ID number.

① Application Form

Application-for-General-Exam_Ph.D_revised[Attachment 1]

Application-for-General-Exam_Ph.D_revised[Attachment 2]

② Official Transcript

③ Application Fee: 20,000 KRW per subject, KEB HANA BANK 391-910005-58304


4. Date & Venue: Friday, October 11, 2019 @ Room #115 International Studies Hall

1) Master’s Candidates

10:00-10:50Subject 1
11:00-11:50Subject 2

2) PhD Candidates

10:00-12:00Subject 1 – Core
12:00-13:00Lunch Break
13:00-15:00Subject 2 – Major 1
15:15-17:15Subject 3 – Major 2


5. Exam Results: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 on GSIS Homepage


6. Readings/References

1) References for all[Attachment 3] 

2) Reading list for International Cooperation (PhD_IDC)[Attachment 4]

3) Reading list for International Cooperation (PhD_IPS)[Attachment 5]