1.CIS·GSIS Commencement
1) This commencement will be organized by GSIS. It will be held offline ONLY.
- Korea University holds a graduation ceremony once a year in February.
Students who graduate this August may also attend the KU Graduation Ceremony in
February 2024.
2) Date : Friday, February 23, 2024 (11:10 am - 12:10 pm)
3) Venue : #214 International Studies Hall
- The attendees must wear the graduation gown and be seated at the venue by 11:00.
- Your friend or family may join this ceremony.
※ Parking lot can be full at the day of ceremony. Recommended on using public transportation.
2. Gown Rental & Return Period
1) Rental & Return Period
- Wednesday, February 21, 2024 ~ Friday, February 23, 2024; 9:00 - 17:00 (12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break)
2) Venue
- #217 International Studies Hall
3) Notes
- You must bring your ID card or passport.
- Your friend or family may rent/return the gown for you, but please email us about it to
gsis@korea.ac.kr (GSIS only) before the rental & return period.
- If you do not return the gown, you cannot issue the certificates (graduation certificate,
transcript, etc.).
- PhD students should purchase the gown individually.
3. Gown Rental Fee Payment
1) Fee : 5,000 KRW (BA only)
10,000 KRW (MA only)
No gown rental for PhD - must purchase individually
2) Fee Payment Period
- by Friday, February 9
3) How to :
- Please pay the gown rental fee to KEB Hana Bank 391-910005-58304 and
submit the receipt to gsis@korea.ac.kr.
4. Diploma Distribution
1) Please understand that we are not allowed to give it to you before February 23, 2024.
The diploma will be distributed from February 23(Fri).
The distribution venue is as follows:
- February 23: at Room #223 (GSIS office) after 13:00 pm
▶ Office Hour: Monday-Friday 09:00-17:30 (12:00-13:00 Lunch Break)
2) Students must pick up their own diplomas.
Please make an appointment before visiting the GSIS Administration Office.
3) However, if you are not able to pick it up due to the special situation,
your family/friend may pick it up for you.
- Step 1: You should complete and submit the [Attachment: Authorization Letter for Diploma
Pick-Up] to gsis@korea.ac.kr.
- Step 2: You should make an appointment for the delegate before visiting the GSIS
Administration Office.
- Step 3: The delegate must visit the GSIS Administration Office on time with his/her own
Photo ID (ARC, Passport or Driver’s License) card and pick up the diploma.
4) GSIS Administration Office does NOT provide postal service.
5. Certificate of Graduation Issuance
1) Certificate of Graduation can be issued multiple times according to your needs.
2) It will be available on KUPID → Info Depot (or at One-Stop Service Center) 1-2 days AFTER February 23.