
Since the opening in 1999, IOM Seoul Office has been playing a key role in liaising among governmental and non-governmental actors in the field of humanitarian assistance in the Republic of Korea, and promoting the principle of humane and orderly migration that benefits both migrants and society by offering quality trainings and research products.
Under general guidance of the Chief of Mission (CoM) and direct supervision of the Project Development Officer, the successful candidate will provide technical support for the development and implementation of specific thematic activities at mission level as illustrated in the core functions and responsibility section.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and an updated CV (no more than four pages) in English to iomseoul@iom.or.kr by midnight Sunday 27 March 2022.

Please indicate “IOM PD Intern Application 2022_Your name” in the subject line.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.



국제이주기구(IOM) 한국대표부에서 아래와 같이 사업지원 인턴 1명을 모집하고 있으니, 관심 있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.




 채용대상: 1명 (Project Support Intern)


  1. 근무지국제이주기구 한국 대표부

(서울특별시 중구 무교로 32 효령빌딩 13  국제이주기구)


  1. 공고기간: 2022 3 14~ 327


  1. 근무 기간: 2022 4월부터  ( 6, 연장가능)


  1. 자격요건  지원절차공고문 참조


  1. 홈페이지 채용 공고 링크 공지사항 | IOM 국제이주기구


  1. 접수방법이메일 제출