[Government & Corporate Affairs Team Mission]
The Government & Corporate Affairs Team, in charge of government policies and AMCHAM members’
advocacy activities, serves to further enhance AMCHAM's role as a bridge between the member companies and the Korean and U.S. Governments. The team maintains close relationship with a wide range of Korean and US government stakeholders and shares policy suggestions, with an aim to enhance the business environment in Korea. The team also hosts and participates in various functions to provide surgical solutions to industry-wide & company-specific advocacy needs. In addition, the team facilitates VIP protocols and many external activities of the organization’s leadership.

[Basic Requirements]
 3+ years work experience in the relevant field
 Bilingual (Fluent in both English and Korean)
 Strong communication skills and writing ability in English
 Strong understanding of the political and economic environment
 Motivation/Positive attitude to carry out any task with passion
 Detail-oriented, strong organization and time management skill
 Flexible approach to work and able to adapt under changing circumstances
 Strong interpersonal skills necessary to: 
1) work well within a team structure, 2) interface closely with
AMCHAM leadership and members, and 3) gather information from multiple sources
 Excellent judgment and discretion

[Starting Date]
March 14, 2022

- Please send your English resume and cover letter (in pdf) at recruitment@amchamkorea.org by
February 18.