Our annual Asia Pacific Week, held by The Australian National University, is once again open for applications! We would like to cordially invite interested students to join us this year in our online four-day conference.


Asia Pacific Week is an interdisciplinary conference for exemplary students and young professionals from all disciplines who are interested in tackling current and challenging issues facing Asia and the Pacific. We want individuals who can reimagine the possible; who are hungry for deeper understanding of the region and who are committed to lead impactful lives.


Our twelfth Asia Pacific Week Conference will be held from 20 June to 23 June 2022 and our theme for this year is “Pathways to Transformation: Resilience in an Age of Uncertainty.” The delegates will delve into current crises affecting the region, guided by our eminent and cutting-edge panellists. Students will also enjoy a series of non-formal, practical events planned for fun and learning through doing.


Delegate applications open at 9:00am 28 March 2022 and close at 5:00pm Friday 11 April 2022 (AEST). Interested applicants may access the application form here: https://forms.office.com/r/qWCneV9TxY.

For up-to-date communication, we also encourage students/participants to follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ANUAPW.


This will be the third year that the APW Conference will be held online, to ensure that the Conference is accessible to all students globally. We are excited to invite students to participate, meet and work alongside like-minded students from all over the world. If any of the Conference details change, we will keep you updated and happily address any concerns at asiapacificweek@anu.edu.au.


For your convenience, please also find attached a pamphlet that you are able to disseminate, as necessary.