한국수출입은행은 기획재정부, 미주개발은행(IDB), 대한무역투자진흥공사(KOTRA)와 2022 한-중남미 비즈니스 서밋(‘22.9.29-30)을 개최합니다.


이번 비즈니스 서밋은 한국과 중남미·카리브 국가 간 경제협력관계를 강화하고 무역·투자 기회에 대한 이해를 넓히기 위해, 


중남미·카리브 국가 전체와 한국의 공공분야, 민간분야, 학계 등 각 분야를 대변하는 장관 및 대표단이 함께하는 자리가 될 것입니다.


이와 관련하여,  중남미 지역에 관심이 있는 분들을 초청하오니, 온라인 등록 링크 등을 확인하시어 


’22.9.23(금) 18시까지 등록 부탁드립니다.



하단 참가신청링크 주소 :


It is our honor to invite you to the 6th Korea-LAC Business Summit,  which will be held from September 29 to 30, 2022.


The Summit is a leading platform to enhance economic cooperation between Korea and the LAC countries, with the aim of strengthening trade and investment ties between both regions.


High-level public and private sector officials will be attending, and we also would like to appreciate your participation.

For more information, please refer to the official website below:


Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you could use the below link for online registration to let us know of your attendance.

We kindly request you to fill out the form by no later than September 23 (Fri), 2022.



                                 6th Korea-LAC Business Summit

                                         (Online Registration Link ↓ )